Call us at 919-345-6105
About us
Kingdom Life 360's mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through community outreach, biblical teaching and sincere, genuine fellowship. Transforming lives through the powerful, life changing message of love and life Jesus Christ so divinely shared.
Kingdom Life 360's vision is to create a dynamic environment that produces genuine spiritual growth and personal relationship with Christ, while demonstrating the love and compassion of Christ to those we serve.
Kingdom Life 360 provides an environment that lends itself to true fellowship, where people find community away from work and home.
Our sincerest desire is to be a blessing to you, as we build relationships and our faith with real world biblical teaching, heart-felt worship and amazing fellowship with incredible people! Come grow with us!
Can't wait to see you here!
Kingdom Life 360 is an organization focused and dedicated on restoring and rebuilding individual and community spirit, founded on the infallible word of God.
Many are looking for direction and support in these difficult times and feel overwhelmed.
With negative experiences in life and sometimes even with religion, we give up on ourselves and at times, on God Himself. However, there is hope!
Jesus said: “For I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly!”
-John 10:10
Jesus made a way for us to get back into relationship with God the Father, through acceptance of and relationship with Jesus Christ!
Kingdom Life 360 allows spiritual seekers to experience a renewal of spirit, mind and body, focused on true “word” teaching and worship that gives us “vision”.
With clear spiritual vision, we can move forward in confidence, knowing that the one who created us, is guiding our steps.
We are called to share the message of the cross! The good news of Jesus Christ!
Never compromising the Word of God, but believing that it is the only rule we have for life. That it is the standard we have for behavior and that it is the authoritative word of God!
At Kingdom Life 360, we are dedicated and devoted to experiencing and sharing the unfiltered and unadulterated word of God, through life changing and spirit guided biblical teaching, with a genuine, vibrant and dynamic worship experience that is reverential and pure in its intent.
You can be certain that the word and worship shared here at Kingdom Life 360 will be heart-felt, pure and true to God’s word.
We truly look forward to serving you with a servant’s heart; growing together from faith to faith, seeing God move in our lives.
Sincerely yours,
Victor Latimer Jr.
Founding Pastor
Kingdom Life 360
“Restoring dominion; serving our purpose.”